[外掛]Knowledge Base 0.7.0

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版主: 版主管理群

文章: 642
註冊時間: 2003-04-16 20:53
來自: 牛牛農場

[外掛]Knowledge Base 0.7.0

文章 william91 »

代碼: 選擇全部

## MOD Title: Knowledge Base 
## MOD Author: wGEric < eric@wwegcodes.com > (Eric Faerber) - http://eric.best-1.biz 
## MOD Description: This mod is based on the Knowledge Base at phpBB 
## MOD Version: Beta 0.7.0
## Installation Level: easy 
## Installation Time: 15 Minutes 
## Files To Edit: (8)
## 		- viewonline.php
##		- admin/pagestart.php,
##		- admin/index.php,
##		- includes/constants.php, 
##		- includes/page_header.php,
##		- language/lang_english/lang_main.php, 
##		- templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl,
##		- templates/subSilver/subSilver.cfg
## Included Files: (26)
##		 - kb.php,
##		 - kb_search.php,
##		 - install_kb-043.php, 
## 		 - admin/admin_kb_*.php (4),
##		 - includes/functions_kb.php, 
## 		 - includes/kb_header.php, 
## 		 - language/lang_english/lang_kb.php, 
## 		 - templates/subSilver/kb_*.tpl (5), 
## 		 - templates/subSilver/admin/kb_*.tpl (6), 
## 		 - templates/subSilver/images/lang_english/*.gif (3),
## 		 - templates/subSilver/images/*.gif (2)
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ for the 
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code 
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered 
## in our MOD-Database, located at: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes:
##     After installing please go into your ACP and change all
##     of the setting to how you want them.  Also add categories 
##     and types
## MOD History: 
## 2003/07/14 - Version 0.7.0
## 			  - Sub Categories added
##			  - Order Categories
##			  - Delete Topic when deleting article
##			  - Makes sure all articles has a topic if comments are on
##			  - Users not logged in can post articles
## 2003/07/09 - Version 0.6.3
## 			  - Works with MSSQL
##			  - Topic uses boards language instead of English
## 2003/07/08 - Version 0.6.2
##			  - Fixed email_kb_admin() in kb.php
##			  - View counter is fixed when viewing a cateogory
##			  - Fixed it so amount of articles in a category decrease after
##			    deleting an article
##			  - All editing article bugs have been fixed
##			  - Install script has been fixed.
## 07/02/03 - Version 0.6.1
##	    	- Fixed bugs (ACP Type manager, HTML when viewing 
##		  	  article, Anyone could edit article if they changed the URL)
##	    	- Added a view counter for the articles.
## 06/30/03 - Version 0.6.0
## 			- Added Search
##			- Fixed a couple of bugs
##			- Changed the way the posts look
## 06/12/03 - Beta - 0.5.1
## 			- Fixed a bug in the functions.  Forgot to put $phpEx as a global.
## 06/11/03 - Beta 2 - 0.5.0
## 			- Rewrote most of the code.  This made some of the files smaller
##			- Comments on articles feature
##			- Fixed most of the known bugs
##			- Dutch Translation by NL Web Hebbies
## 05/13/03 - Beta 0.4.3
##          - FIX: Check for empty category and type by ZapZap
## 05/10/03 - Beta 0.4.2
##          - FIX: preview fixed by wGEric
##          - FIX: html parsed even if html of fixed by wGEric
##          - FIX: missing text for category on some forms
## 05/06/03 - Beta 0.4.1
##          - Removed pretext table and moved pretext fields to config table 
##          - Added entry to viewonline list
## 05/01/03 - Beta 0.4.0
## 	    - Added Pretext Mod by Palamedes < palamedes@rocketmail.com > (Jason Ellis) http://www.randomstringofwords.com
## 04/28/03 - Beta 0.3.2
##	    - Added Spanish Files
##	    - Used cleaned up code from MJ - Thanks!
## 04/19/03 - Beta 0.3.1 - Fixed some bugs
## 04/18/03 - Beta 0.3.0 
##	    - Added, 'Preview Articles' before posting them.
##	    - Added, Admin's and Moderator's articles are automatically approved.
##	    - Added, the ability to change the article types
## 04/12/03 - Beta 0.2.0
##	    - Added, the ability to edit articles
## 	    - Added, E-mail or PM Notification of a new article
##	    - Added. configuration file in the admin panel. In there you can allow new articles to be posted, allow edits, and choose whether to be PM, e-mailed, or get no notification.
## 04/05/03 - Beta 0.1.0 
##	    - First Release 
## 1) Edit the Original phpBB2 Code.
## 2) Upload all Remaining Files.
## 3) Prepare the database by running the included install-*.php file.
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 

代碼: 選擇全部

*                                 lang_kb.php 
*                            ------------------- 
*   begin                : Sunday, Mar 31, 2003 
*   copyright            : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group 
*   email                : support@phpbb.com 
*   $Id: lang_kb.php,v 1.0.0 2003/03/31 00:06:33 psotfx Exp $ 

*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 
*   (at your option) any later version. 

$lang['KB_title'] = '教學文件庫'; 
$lang['Article'] = '文章'; 
$lang['Article_description'] = '文章描述'; 
$lang['Article_type'] = '文章類型'; 

$lang['Article_keywords'] = '關鍵字'; 
$lang['Articles'] = '文章數'; 

$lang['Add_article'] = '發表新文章'; 
$lang['KB_Home'] = '教學文件庫 首頁'; 
$lang['No_articles'] = '沒有文章'; 
$lang['Article_title'] = '文章名稱'; 
$lang['Article_text'] = '文章內容'; 
$lang['Add_article'] = '輸入文章'; 
$lang['Read_article'] = '閱讀文章'; 

$lang['Edit'] = '編輯文章'; 
$lang['Article_submitted'] = '文章已發表成功.<br />系統管理員將會審核你的文章並且決定是否允許會員閱覽.'; 
$lang['Click_return_kb'] = '按這裡 %s這裡%s 返回 ' . $lang['KB_title']; 
$lang['Article_Edited'] = '文章編輯成功.<br />在會員觀看此篇文章前將需要再一次經過系統管理員的審核.'; 
$lang['Edit_article'] = '編輯文章'; 

$lang['KB_title'] = '教學文件庫'; 
$lang['KB_art_description'] = '在這個控制面板裡, 您可以批准需要審核的文章讓會員可以閱覽他們或是你可以刪除這些文章.'; 
$lang['Art_man'] = '文章管理'; 
$lang['Cat_man'] = '分區管理'; 
$lang['KB_cat_description'] = '這裡你可以新增、編輯或刪除所有分區'; 
$lang['Art_action'] = '啟動'; 

$lang['Art_edit'] = '已編輯過的文章'; 
$lang['Art_not_approved'] = '不同意'; 
$lang['Art_approved'] = '已同意'; 
$lang['Approve'] = '同意'; 
$lang['Un_approve'] = '未同意'; 
$lang['Article_approved'] = '此篇文章現在已同意.'; 
$lang['Article_unapproved'] = '此篇文章現在已不同意.'; 

$lang['Delete'] = '刪除'; 
$lang['Confirm_art_delete'] = '你確定要刪除這篇文章?'; 
$lang['Confirm_art_delete_yes'] = '%s是的, 我要刪除這篇文章%s'; 
$lang['Confirm_art_delete_no'] = '%s不是, 我不要刪除這篇文章%s'; 
$lang['Article_deleted'] = '文章刪除成功.'; 

$lang['Click_return_article_manager'] = '點選 %s這裡%s 返迴文章管理'; 

//cat manager 
$lang['Create_cat'] = '建立新的分區:'; 
$lang['Create'] = '建立'; 
$lang['Cat_settings'] = '分區設定'; 
$lang['Create_description'] = '在這裡你可以改變分區的名稱或在新分區加入敘述.'; 
$lang['Cat_created'] = '分區建立成功.'; 
$lang['Click_return_cat_manager'] = '點選 %s這裡%s 返迴' . $lang['Cat_man']; 
$lang['Edit_description'] = '這裡你可以編輯分區的設定'; 
$lang['Edit_cat'] = '編輯分區'; 
$lang['Cat_edited'] = '分區編輯成功.'; 
$lang['Parent'] = '分配到一個版面'; 

$lang['Cat_delete_title'] = '刪除分區'; 
$lang['Cat_delete_desc'] = '在這裡你可以刪除分區並且移動該分區所有的文章到新的分區'; 
$lang['Cat_deleted'] = '分區刪除成功.'; 
$lang['Delete_all_articles'] = '刪除主題'; 

$lang['KB_config'] = '教學文件庫 組態'; 
$lang['Art_types'] = '文章類型'; 
$lang['KB_config_title'] = '教學文件庫 基本組態'; 
$lang['KB_config_explain'] = '改變教學文件庫的組態設定'; 
$lang['New_title'] = '允許新的文章'; 
$lang['New_explain'] = '讓會員在教學文件庫發表新的文章'; 
$lang['Edit_name'] = '允許編輯'; 
$lang['Edit_explain'] = '允許會員編輯屬於他們已發表的文章'; 
$lang['Notify_name'] = '更新此篇內容者是'; 
$lang['Notify_explain'] = '請選擇當有新文章發表時的通知方式'; 
$lang['PM'] = '私人訊息'; 
$lang['Click_return_kb_config'] = '點選 %s這裡%s 返迴教學文件庫組態設定'; 
$lang['Admin_id_name'] = '系統管理員的ID'; 
$lang['Admin_id_explain'] = '這篇私人訊息通知是這位會員的ID編號發送的.'; 
$lang['Approve_new_name'] = '同意新的文章'; 
$lang['Approve_new_explain'] = '變更 <b />新</b /> 文章發表時是否需要同意'; 
$lang['Approve_edit_name'] = '同意編輯文章'; 
$lang['Approve_edit_explain'] = '變更 <b />編輯</b /> 文章時是否需要同意'; 
$lang['Allow_anon_name'] = '允許訪客發表文章'; 
$lang['Allow_anon_explain'] = '變更<b />新文章</b /> 文章訪客能否發表'; 
$lang['Del_topic'] = '刪除主題'; 
$lang['Del_topic_explain'] = '如該文章已刪除,是否同時刪除註解的文章?'; 
$lang['Allow_comments'] = '允許註解'; 
$lang['Allow_comments_explain'] = '允許會員在該篇文章增加新的註解'; 
$lang['Forum_id'] = '版面ID'; 
$lang['Forum_id_explain'] = '這篇文章的註解將永久保存於這個版面'; 

$lang['KB_config_updated'] = '教學文件庫組態更新成功.'; 

$lang['New_article'] = '教學文件庫有新發表的文章!'; 
$lang['Email_body'] = '這篇文章已經送交至教學文件庫.<br />
<br />
請登入並至系統控制台的教學文件庫的文章管理. 審核這篇文章並且決定同意或是刪除這篇文章.'; 

$lang['Types_man'] = '類型管理'; 
$lang['KB_types_description'] = '這裡你可以新增、刪除或編輯不同的文章類型'; 
$lang['Create_type'] = '建立新的文章類型:'; 
$lang['Type_created'] = '文章類型建立成功.'; 
$lang['Click_return_type_manager'] = '點選 %s這裡%s 返迴類型管理'; 

$lang['Edit_type'] = '編輯類型'; 
$lang['Edit_type_description'] = '這裡你可以編輯類型的名稱'; 
$lang['Type_edited'] = '文章類型編輯成功.'; 

$lang['Type_delete_title'] = '刪除文章類型'; 
$lang['Type_delete_desc'] = '當文章類型被你刪除後在這裡你可以變更那些已失去類型的文章'; 
$lang['Change_type'] = '變更文章類型為'; 
$lang['Change_and_Delete'] = '變更或刪除'; 
$lang['Type_deleted'] = '文章類型刪除成功.'; 

$lang['Pre_text_name'] = '文章發表用法說明'; 
$lang['Pre_text_header'] = '文章發表用法說明抬頭'; 
$lang['Pre_text_body'] = '文章發表用法說明本文'; 
$lang['Pre_text_explain'] = '這篇文章用法說明將於版面最頂處展示給會員觀看.'; 
$lang['Show'] = '展示'; 
$lang['Hide'] = '隱藏'; 
$lang['Empty_category'] ='你必須選擇一個分區'; 

$lang['Read_full_article'] = '閱讀全文'; 
$lang['Comments'] = '閱覽者 註解'; 

$lang['No_add'] = '你無法加入新的主題'; 
$lang['No_edit'] = '你無法編輯此主題!'; 
$lang['Post_comments'] = '發表註解'; 

$lang['Category_sub'] = '子分區'; 
