[初校]phpBB2 使用者手冊 3.1 (100%)

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[初校]phpBB2 使用者手冊 3.1 (100%)

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3.1 Forum Admin 版面管理
3.1.1 Forum Management 版面管理選項

The Forum Management panel is where most forum configuration is done. Here you will control the organization of forums and categories. Configuration of a forum's name, description, and auto-prune settings is also handled here.

在版面管理選單內包含大部分的版面設定選項。在這裡你可以控制版面和分區的排列。版面的名稱、描述和定期刪文也是在這邊設定的。 Adding Forums 增加版面
To create a new forum, look to the bottom of the category you want your new forum to be in. Enter the desired forum name in the text box at the bottom, and click Create New Forum. You will be taken to the General Forum Settings panel. (For more information on this panel, see Editing Forums)

想增加版面時,在文字方塊中鍵入你想要的版面名稱,然後按下建立新版面。你將被帶到建立新版面的設定選單中。(想對其中的功能有更深入瞭解請看 編輯版面) Editing Forums 編輯版面
To edit a forum, look in that forum's row and click Edit. You will be taken to the General Forum Settings panel. Here you may adjust the following settings:


Forum Name - This is the name of the forum. (e.g. General Chat, Movie Reviews, Support, etc.)

版面名稱 - 一個版面的名稱(例如,聊天版、電影討論、問題區、等等)

Description - Describes your forum. This is the smaller text that appears under each forum name on the Forum Index.

版面描述 - 描述你的版面,這將顯示一行文字在首頁的版面名稱。下方

Category - A dropdown list box that will allow you to choose what category a forum is contained in.

分區 - 將在下拉選單中顯示版面置放的分區。

Forum Status - A dropdown list box that will allow you to lock or unlock a forum. A locked forum may not be posted to except by moderators and administrators.

版面狀態 - 在下拉選單中,你可以選擇是否鎖定該版面。一個被鎖定的版面只允許版面管理員以及系統管理員發表文章和主題。

Auto-Pruning - Here you can enable/disable auto-pruning. (For more information, see Auto-Prune or 3.1.3 Pruning)

定期刪文 - 在這裡你可以選擇是否開啟自動刪文的功能。(更詳細的資料請看 定期自動刪文或 3.1.3 自動刪文) Moving Forums 移動版面
A forum's location can be described in two ways. A forum is in a category, and has a location relative to other forums in that category. To change the category that a forum is in, use the General Forum Settings panel, as described in Editing Forums.

一個版面的位置可以用兩種方式來形容。一個版面在某個分區中,並且在分區中與其他版面的位置。想更換版面所在的分區時,請用 提到的編輯版面的方法。

To change a forum's position relative to other forums in its category, use the Move Up and Move Down links in the General Forum Settings panel. Move Up will swap the position of the desired forum with the forum above it. Move Down will swap the position of the desired forum with the forum below it. Move Up has no effect on the top forum in a category, and, likewise, Move Down has no effect on the bottom forum.

想更換版面在分區中的位置時,請用版面管理選項中的往上移動和往下移動的連結。點選往上移動會把該版面往上移動並且和前一個版面調換位置。點選往下移動會把該版面往下移動並且和後一個版面調換位置。往上移動以及往下移動並不會改變上下分區中的版面排列位置。 Resync 重整對應資料
Some information in the database is contained it multiple tables. This makes the board run faster by reducing the number of database queries on some pages. Sometimes the information in different tables of the database gets out of sync. This usually is caused by a connection problem which interrupts updating of the database.


When this happens, your forum may start behaving in a strange way. Links to topics or posts that don't exist are common symptoms of this problem.


If you are having this problem, you can fix it by clicking Resync in the General Forum Settings Panel. This will recalculate the forum information based on the actual posts that exist. This operation has no harmful effect on the forums, just generates a small amount of overhead while you are doing it. This is a good thing to try if you are not sure what is causing a problem on your board.

如果你遇到這個問題你可以使用在版面管理選項中的重整對應資料這個功能修復。這將會重新計算版面中的正確文章數量,使用這項功能並不會對討論版造成問題。如果你不確定出現問題的原因,請先使用這個功能試著恢復。 Auto-prune 定期自動刪文
Auto-prune is a feature that will cause a forum to prune itself. (For more information on what pruning is, see 3.1.3 Pruning). To enable auto-prune, make sure the checkbox is checked.

定期自動刪文是一個可以讓一個版面自動刪除文章的一個功能。(更詳細的資料請看 3.1.3 自動刪文)如果你想啟動這個功能,請務必點選開啟的方格。

You may set the age of posts to prune. All posts older than the set age will be pruned. You may also set the frequency of pruning. For example, you could have the forums prune themselves once a day, or once every seven days.

增你也可以設定文章在多少天後自動刪除。所有在此天數後沒有文章回覆的主題都將被刪除。你也可以設定刪文的頻率。例如:你可以設定某個版面每一天都刪除 N 天沒有文章回覆的主題或每隔七天刪除一次 Adding Categories 增加分區
To add a new category, look at the bottom of the forum/category listing. Enter the desired category name into the text box and click Create New Category.

想增加分區時,在文字方塊中鍵入你想要的分區名稱,然後按下建立新分區。 Editing Categories 編輯分區
To move a category, click Move Up or Move Down in the category's row. Move up will swap the position of the desired category with the category above it. Move Down will swap the position of the desired category with the category below it. Move Up has no effect on the top category, and, likewise, Move Down has no effect on the bottom category. Moving Categories 移動分區
To move a category, click Move Up or Move Down in the category's row. Move up will swap the position of the desired category and the category above it. Move Down will swap the position of the desired category and the category below it. Move Up has no effect on the top category, likewise Move Down has no effect on the bottom category.

最後由 Mac 於 2003-06-09 20:32 編輯,總共編輯了 8 次。
+ 關於 phpBB 使用問題請在版面發問,私人訊息提供其他不相干或是隱私的事情聯絡之用。

phpBB 官網 | 竹貓星球 | MacphpBBMOD | 我的服務
文章: 2590
註冊時間: 2003-02-02 02:28
來自: MacphpBBMOD

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3.1.2 Forum Permissions 權限設定
In this panel you can control the forum permissions. You can restrict the behavior of different types of users on a per-forum basis. Here you can control who can read and post in a forum. You can also control who can make special posts, like Sticky topics or announcements. To edit a forum's permissions, select the forum in the dropdown box and click Look Up Forum.

在這個選單中你可以控制版面的使用權限。你可以個別約束每一個版面的不同使用者權限,在這裡,你可以控制誰可以觀看文章,誰可以發表文章。你也可以控制誰可以發表特殊主題,例如置頂文章和版面公告。想編輯版面的權限時,在下拉選單中選擇一個版面,然後按下查詢版面。 Setting Simple Permissions 簡易模式
There are seven simple permission levels in phpBB 2.0.0. For more information, see Permission Levels and Permission Types. Here is a description of the behaviors allowed by each of the simple settings.

這裡共有 7 種簡易的權限控制模式,更詳細的資料請看 權限等級和 權限種類。這裡對每一種簡易模式設定有更詳細的解說。

Public - Anonymous users can read and post. Registered Users can additionally edit their posts, and create and vote in polls. Moderators and administrators can make stickies and announcements.

公開 - 未註冊的訪客可以觀看和發表文章和主題。註冊用戶更可以編輯他們的文章和新增和參與投票。版面管理員和系統管理員可以新增置頂和版面公告。

Registered - Anonymous users can read the forum. Registered Users can additionally post, reply, edit their posts, and create and vote in polls. Moderators and administrators can make stickies and announcements.

註冊會員 - 未註冊的訪客可以觀看,註冊用戶更可以發表主題和文章、編輯文章、和新增和參與投票。版面管理員和系統管理員可以新增置頂和版面公告。

Registered[Hidden] - Anonymous users may only register. Registered Users can read, post, edit their posts, and create and vote in polls. Moderators and administrators can make stickies and announcements.

註冊會員 [隱藏] - 未註冊的訪客只可以註冊,註冊用戶可以發表主題和文章、編輯文章、和新增和參與投票。版面管理員和系統管理員可以新增置頂和版面公告。

Private - Non-Private users may only see the forum. Private Users can read, post, reply, edit their posts, and create and vote in polls. Moderators and administrators can make stickies and announcements.

非公開 - 非私人用戶可以看到版面,私人用戶可以發表主題和文章、編輯文章、和新增和參與投票。版面管理員和系統管理員可以新增置頂和版面公告。

Private[Hidden] - Only Private Users may see the forum. Private Users can read, post, reply, edit their posts, and create and vote in polls. Moderators and administrators can make stickies and announcements.

非公開 [隱藏] - 只有私人會員可以看到版面,私人用戶可以發表主題和文章、編輯文章、和新增和參與投票。版面管理員和系統管理員可以新增置頂和版面公告。

Moderators - Anonymous and Normal users can only see the forum. Moderators and administrators can read, post, reply, edit their posts, create polls, vote in polls, and make stickies and announcements.

版面管理員 - 未註冊的訪客和註冊會員只可以看到版面,版面管理員和系統管理員可以發表主題和文章、編輯文章、新增和參與投票、新增置頂和版面公告。

Moderators[Hidden] - Normal users cannot see the forum. Moderators and administrators can read, post, reply, edit their posts, create polls, vote in polls, and make stickies and announcements.

版面管理員 [隱藏] - 未註冊的訪客和註冊會員不可以看到版面,版面管理員和系統管理員可以發表主題和文章、編輯文章、新增和參與投票、新增置頂和版面公告。

This table shows the equivalent Advanced Permissions for each Simple Permissions setting.

以下表格顯示在進階模式中的相對權限設定(暫無) Setting Advanced Permissions 進階模式
Advanced Permissions allow you to precisely control all behaviors in a forum. To set advance permissions for your forum, click Advanced Mode after choosing the forum to edit. You are presented with a table that has each permission type with a dropdown box underneath it. You may set each of these permissions to any level you like by using the dropdown boxes.


For more information on permission types and levels, see Permission Types and Permission Levels.

更詳細的資料請看 權限等級和 權限種類。這裡對每一種簡易模式設定有更詳細的解說。 Permission Types 權限功能種類
There are ten Permission Types. Each of these types refers to a specific behavior within a forum. This is the behavior that each of these permissions grants:

這裡共有 10 種權限功能種類。每一種代表著在一個版面中的使用功能。這裡對每一種權限功能種類有更詳細的解說。

View - The user may see the forum on the forum index page.

檢視 - 用戶可以在討論區首頁看到版面

Read - The user may view topics in a forum, and read posts in those topics.

閱讀 - 用戶可以觀看版面中的主題並且觀看主題中的回覆文章

Post - The user may post new topics in the forum.

發表 - 用戶可以在版面中發表新主題

Reply - The user may post replies to existing topics in the forum.

回覆 - 用戶可以在版面中回覆其中的主題

Edit - The user may edit his/her own posts in the forum. It is not recommended that this be set to "ALL", because that will allow any anonymous post to be edited by any anonymous user.

編輯 - 用戶可以在版面中編輯自己的文章。在下拉選項中,並不建議你選擇所有會員,因為這將允許任何訪客編輯任何由訪客發表的文章內容

Delete - The user may delete his/her own posts in the forum. A post can only be deleted by a non-moderator if it has not been replied to. It is not recommended that this be set to "ALL", because that will allow any anonymous post to be deleted by any anonymous user.

刪除 - 用戶可以在版面中刪除自己的文章。一篇文章只能在沒有任何回覆的情況下被非管理人員刪除。在下拉選項中,並不建議你選擇所有會員,因為這將允許任何訪客刪除任何由訪客發表的文章

Sticky - The user may make sticky Topics (for more information, see 4.2.2 Sticky Topics)

置頂 - 用戶可以在版面中發表置頂主題。詳細的資料請看 4.2.2 置頂主題

Announce - The user may make Announcements (for more information, see 4.2.1 Announcements)

公告 - 用戶可以在版面中發表版面公告。詳細的資料請看 4.2.1 版面公告

Vote - The user may vote in Polls (for more information, see 4.2.3 Polls). It is not recommended that this be set to "ALL", because that will allow an anonymous user to vote more than once.

投票 - 用戶可以在版面中參與投票(詳細的資料請看 4.2.3 投票)。在下拉選項中,並不建議你選擇所有會員,因為這將允許任何訪客不受投票次數的限制

Poll create - The user may create Polls (for more information, see 4.2.3 Polls)

票選活動 - 用戶可以在版面中新增投票主題(詳細的資料請看 4.2.3 投票) Permission Levels 權限等級
There are five permission levels. A user may be a member of more than one permission level. To be in each of the permission levels:

這裡共有 5 種權限等級。每一位用戶可以有多種權限等級。這裡對每一種權限等級有更詳細的解說。

ALL - Every user in the board is in this permission level. This level is used particularly to grant permissions to users who are not registered and/or logged in.

所有會員 - 討論版中的所有會員都是這種等級。這一種權限等級可以給未註冊會員或未登入會員使用某項版面功能

REG - A user is in this permission level if he/she is both registered at the board, and is currently logged in.

註冊會員 - 只有已經註冊並且登入後的會員才屬於這一種權限等級

PRIVATE - There are two parts to being a private member of a forum. In the forum permissions, there must be at least one permission type set to the permission level PRIVATE. Additionally, in the User Permissions or Group Permissions panel, the user or group must be "Allowed Access" to the private forum (or have permission types set to "ON" in advanced mode.) For more information, see 3.3 Group Admin.

群組會員 - 這一種權限共需要兩種設定。在版面的權限設定中,必須有至少一項權限功能種類是設定為群組會員。另外,在群組管理中的限設定 或會員管理中的權限設定,群組或會員必須在簡易模式中的允許進入該私人版面(或在進階模式中選擇開啟)。詳細的資料請看 3.3 群組管理

MOD - Someone is in this permission level if they are a moderator of the forum.

版面管理員 - 只有設定成版面管理員的會員才屬於這一種權限等級

ADMIN - Board administrators (and no one else) are in this permission level.

系統管理員 - 只有設定成系統管理員的會員才屬於這一種權限等級

3.1.3 Pruning 快速刪文
To prune a forum, select it (or "All Forums") from the dropdown box and click Look up Forum. Specify a number of days in the text field. All posts with no replies to them in the range specified will be removed.


Pruning is typically done to remove old unneeded posts and to save space. If you like, you can set a forum to prune itself automatically. For more information, see Editing Forums.

使用快速刪文可以移除太久無用的文章並且騰出空間。你可以設定版面自動刪除文章。詳細的資料請看 編輯版面。
+ 關於 phpBB 使用問題請在版面發問,私人訊息提供其他不相干或是隱私的事情聯絡之用。

phpBB 官網 | 竹貓星球 | MacphpBBMOD | 我的服務
文章: 2590
註冊時間: 2003-02-02 02:28
來自: MacphpBBMOD

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除了 Editing Categories 在本身的網頁中就有問題(已經在 http://www.phpbb.com 提出來了)其他部分已經翻譯完成。


+ 關於 phpBB 使用問題請在版面發問,私人訊息提供其他不相干或是隱私的事情聯絡之用。

phpBB 官網 | 竹貓星球 | MacphpBBMOD | 我的服務
