[初校]phpBB2 使用者手冊 1.0~2.3

與 phpBB 2.0.x 相關主題。
文章: 57
註冊時間: 2002-08-21 09:50

[初校]phpBB2 使用者手冊 1.0~2.3

文章 Guan »

請多多指教 :oops:

1.0 Introduction
Welcome to phpBB 2.0. This document should outline all the issues dealing with the installation and operation of the second generation of phpBB. phpBB 2.0 has been a year in development and represents a huge leap forward for the software. This version is truly a professional product that is suitable for use in any environment and is scaleable for all types of implementation. We, the members of the phpBB group, thank you for choosing our software and hope you find it useful in all your endeavors.

1.0 序論

歡迎進入phpBB 2.0。這份文件將概略提出有關於第二代phpBB和phpBB 2.0在近一年來發展或代理的軟體中,所發佈安裝與操作方式。這是一份專業的使用手冊,適合使用在任何環境及所有已完成模組中的。所有phpBB的成員感謝您選擇使用我們的軟體,並且希望這份文件對你是有幫助的。

2.0 Installation安裝
Installation of phpBB 2.0 will vary according to your server and database. If you have shell access to your account, you may want to upload the entire phpBB 2.0 archive (in binary mode!) to a directory on your host and unzip it there. If you do not have shell access or do not wish to use it, you will need to decompress the phpBB 2.0 archive to a local directory on your system. From there you must FTP all the files it contains (being sure to retain the directory structure) to your host. All .php, .inc, .sql, .cfg, .htm and .tpl files should be uploaded in ASCII mode, while all graphics should use binary mode. If you are unfamiliar with what this means, please refer to your FTP client documentation. In most cases this need not concern you since many FTP clients will automatically guess the correct mode to use.

安裝phpBB 2.0 的方法須依據您的伺服器和資料庫而更動。如果您具有進入shell的權限,您可以上傳整個phpBB 2.0壓縮檔(使用二進位模式!)到您所使用的伺服器目錄中,並在那解壓縮。如果您無權限或是不想使用上述的方式,您必須在您的電腦本機上解開phpBB 2.0的檔案庫。在從本機端使用FTP將所有檔案(必須保持目錄的結構)續傳至伺服器。所有的.php、.inc、.sql、.cft、.htm和.tpl的檔案必須以美國資訊交換標準碼(ASCII)的方式上傳,同時所有圖型應使用二進位模式。假如您使用這些工具沒有經驗,請參考您的FTP用戶使用說明。有很多問題可以從FTP用戶使用說明中找尋正確的使用方式,您可以不用擔心的。

If the file extension used to execute PHP scripts on your server is not .php but, for example, .php3 or .phtml, you should first rename all files ending in .php and change the value of $phpEx in extension.inc. In the vast majority of cases this step will be unnecessary.

如果您的伺服器中沒有執行PHP scripts,例如.php3或.phtml,您應先將所有檔案的副檔名改成.php,並且將$phpEx的功能延伸到.inc。在大多數的情況中並非必須執行這一步驟。

Once all the files have been uploaded to your site you should point your browser to this location, eg. http://www.mysite.tld/phpBB2 or http://subdomain.mysite.tld/, etc. Of course replace these with the real location! Everything from this point is fully automated.

當所有檔案上傳至您指定的目錄後,您應設定使用者的連結路徑,例如http://www.nysite.tld/phpBB2或是http://subdomain ... 然這些必須是真實路徑,從這個路徑開始就可以自動連結phpBB主程式。

PLEASE NOTE, you should NOT place phpBB 2.0 files into the same directory as phpBB 1.x! Create a new directory (or move your old phpBB 1.x out of the way); failure to do this will more than likely result in runtime errors.

請注意!您不能將phpBB 2.0和phpBB 1.x架設在同一個目錄中。請新增一個目錄(或移除舊的phpBB 1.x);如果放在同一目錄中失敗的機率可能比安裝不完全的機率還高。

2.1 MySQL 3 and 4, PostgreSQL 7.x, MS SQL 7/2000 (inc. via ODBC)
Before proceeding with installation you should ensure you have a database available. Ask your provider for details if you are unsure whether you do or not.


2.2 MS Access 2000/XP
Before you install phpBB 2.0, you need to create a Data Source Name. The exact way to do this will depend on your hosting provider; if you are unsure you should check with them before proceeding. In general though, you should create a System DSN which points to the location where you have stored an unzipped copy of the ms_access_primer.mdb file ( ms_access_primer.zip can be found in db/schemas/). The name you give this DSN will be used during installation. Do not proceed until this step is complete!

在安裝phpBB 2.0前,您必須產生一個資料來源名稱(Data Source Name,DSN)。確切的通路設定有賴於您的伺服器管理者;如果您不確定,請先向伺服器管理者核對。一般而言,您可以產生一個系統資料來源名稱(System DSN),將ms_access_primer.zip複製並解壓縮到指定的貯存位置( ms_access_primer.zip 放在 db/schemas/ 中)。您所增設的DSN會在安裝phpBB 2.0的過程中使用。因此除非已完全上述步驟,否則不要先安裝phpBB 2.0。

Please note that MS Access support is not designed for busy boards. If you anticipate more than one or two users being online at any given time, you should upgrade to a more robust server solution.

請注意MS Access不能支援較繁忙的論壇。如果您預期同時存在多位使用者,您的解決方法是考慮升級到更強大的伺服器。

2.3 All database types所有資料庫類型
Once you have reached the installation page (as explained above) you should fill out all the fields. Be sure to select the right database type! If you do not have or do not know the database name, database server, etc. please check with your hosting provider. For non-ODBC databases the database server is typically localhost but this is not universal! For ODBC databases you should enter the DSN here. The database prefix allows you to enter a few characters, short name, etc., which all tables used by this installation, will be prefixed with. The default is usually fine, however if you have more than one copy of phpBB 2.0 using the same database, be sure to alter it or you will receive errors during installation.

一旦您開啟安裝頁面(如上述說明),您必須填寫所有的表單。務必選取正確的資料庫類型。假設您沒有或不知道資料庫名稱或資料庫伺服器,請詢問您的伺服器管理者。由於沒有ODBC資料庫,資料庫伺服器功能僅提供給本機端但不提供給所有資料庫。為了ODBC資料庫可以登錄DSN,資料庫名稱提供登錄時的一些描述或簡短名稱等。在安裝資料表時,將會一併被登錄。這些隱含值通常是很細微難察的,然而,如果您不只一次安裝phpBB 2.0,又重複使用相同的資料庫,您必須更改一些隱念值,否則在安裝過程中一定會出現錯誤訊息。

The remaining information is personal to you and your site. You will need to enter a username and password for the initial administration account (more administrators can be created later). The server name, server port and script path are essential because all emails containing URLs will use these values. The installer will guess initial values, however they may not be correct so be sure to check them!


Once you have checked all the data, press submit. The installation script will create and populate all the necessary tables. It will then attempt to write to the config.php file that will contain the basic configuration data used to run phpBB 2.0. If the installer cannot write config.php directly you will be given the option of either downloading the file or even FTPing it to the correct location. If you choose to download, you should then re-upload the file to your server, overwriting the existing config.php in the process. If you attempt to FTP via the install script, you should supply the requested information. Should FTP fail you will be able to download the file and then re-upload as described earlier.

再次核對所填寫的資料,按下「確定」。這個安裝腳本將會新增和安置所有必須的資料表。會嘗試撰寫comfig.php檔,包括基本的資料結構,提供phpBB 2.0使用。假如安裝時沒有直接撰寫config.php,您可以選擇下載檔案或是直接上傳正確的位置。如果您選擇下載,您必須再次上傳這個檔案到伺服器,覆蓋原本的config.php。如果您是使用安裝機制中的直接上傳,你必須提供所需的資訊。當然如果上傳失敗,您依然可以下載檔案並再上傳覆蓋先前已撰寫的檔案。

During the installation procedure, phpBB 2.0 will check to ensure the relevant PHP database module is available and will not proceed if it cannot be found. Should this happen be sure to check you have selected the correct database and/or ask your hosting provider for advice.

在安裝過程中,phpBB 2.0會核對相關的PHP資料庫模組,以確保資料庫是有用的,若無法連結資料庫就無法開啟phpBB 2.0。如果發生問題時,請向您核對並挑選錯誤,修正資料庫,或是通知伺服器管理者。
