3.2 General Admin
The General Administration will allow you to perform general board administration tasks. This includes database backup, general board settings, smilies, word censors, and will let you send mass emails to members of your board.
3.2.1 Database Backup and Restore
To backup your database, click Backup Database. In Backup options you should select Full Backup unless you have a specific reason to choose one of the other two. You may include tables not used by phpBB by entering them here. If you enable Gzip Compression, the file will be smaller, but the server will work harder to generate it. Click Start Backup to begin downloading the file.
To restore your database, click Restore Database. Browse to your backup file, and then click Start Restore. The board should return to exactly how it was when the backup was made. Changes in files (MODs, avatars, etc.) will not be affected by this.
3.2.2 General Configuration
This panel is where most of the boards settings and preferences can be changed. General Board Settings
Domain Name - Your domain name, as the end user will see it. For example, if your Forum Index is located at http://www.cheese.com/wheel/log/phpBB2/index.php, the domain name you should enter is http://www.cheese.com.
Server Port - This setting should be 80 unless you are sure it should be something else.
Script path - The path from your domain to main phpBB 2.0 files. For example, if your Forum Index is located at http://www.cheese.com/wheel/log/phpBB2/index.php, the script path you should enter is /wheel/log/phpBB2/.
Site name - The name of your site. This will appear at the top of the Forum Index page.
Site description - A short description of your site. This will be displayed on the Forum Index page, right below the site name.
Disable board - When Yes, the board is disabled and will not display to anyone. Do not log out before you re-enable the board, or you will not be able to log back in.
Enable account activation - When set to None, a user may log in as soon as he/she registers. When set to User, a user must validate his email address before logging in. The user will be sent an email with an activation link. When the user clicks this link, their account is activated and he/she may log in. When set to Admin, a user's account must be activated by an administrator. For more information, see 3.5.3 User Management.
User email via board - When enabled, users may email each other through a special form on the board. This keeps a user's email private, and prevents spam bots from gathering email addresses. When this is disabled, user's email address will be shown.
Flood Interval - This is the number of seconds a user must wait after posting before he can post again. This feature is meant to prevent users/scripts from flooding the board with posts.
Topics Per Page - This controls how many topics of a forum will be displayed on the View Forum page. Additional topics can be seen by advancing to the next page of the forum.
Posts Per Page - This controls how many posts of a topic will be displayed on the View Topic page. Additional posts can be seen by advancing to the next page of the topic.
Posts for Popular Threshold - When a topic gets many posts, the topic icon will change to indicate that the topic is popular. This setting will allow you to set the number of posts a topic must have to be considered popular.
Default Style - this is the default style when a new user registers. It will also be the style for anonymous users.
Override user style - When enabled, the user's style setting will not apply. All users will see the default style.
Default Language - This language will be the default when a new user registers. It will also be the language for anonymous users. The board language only affects board messages, not anything entered by users.
Date Format - This is the date format that will be default when a new user registers. It will also be the format used for anonymous users. The date format for the board should have syntax identical to the syntax PHP's date() function uses. For more information, see 4.7.1 Date Format.
Enable GZip Compression - When this is enabled, the server will compress the pages before sending them. This will increase the server workload, but will decrease bandwidth usage.
Enable Forum Pruning - Forum auto-pruning will only work when this is enabled (for more information, see Auto-Prune). Normal pruning will always work (for more information, see 3.1.3 Pruning). Cookie Settings
Cookie domain - The domain of the cookie your board creates. Leaving this field blank will often work correctly; if not, you need to determine the correct cookie domain and enter it.
Cookie name - The name of the cookie used by the board. Make sure the name is not the same as any other cookies used on your site.
Cookie path - The cookie path. Leaving this field with the value "/" will often work correctly; if not, determine the correct cookie path and enter it.
Cookie secure - If your board is running on a Secure Socket Layer (SSL), this setting should be enabled. If not, leave it disabled.
Session length - Allows you to set the session length, in seconds. The session length is how long a user will remain logged in while they are idle. For example, suppose you had the session length set to 3600 seconds (one hour). If a user logs in and keeps his/her browser open, he/she will not be logged out automatically until they have been idle (with respect to the board) for longer than an hour. Private Messaging
Private Messaging - This setting will allow you to enable or disable private messages on your board.
Max posts in Inbox - A number that indicates the maximum number of posts allowed in any user's Inbox. If this number is exceeded, old posts will be removed as new ones come in.
Max posts in Sentbox - A number that indicates the maximum number of posts allowed in any user's Sentbox.
Max posts in Savebox - A number that indicates the maximum number of posts allowed in any user's SaveBox. User and Forum basic settings
Max number of poll options - You may specify the maximum number of poll options to prevent poll abuse.
Allow HTML - Here you may enable or disable HTML for the entire board. If enabled, users may still choose to disable it in their posts.
Allowed HTML tags - If HTML is enabled, you may specify which tags may be used. This will help prevent users from destroying your page layout with dangerous HTML. You only need to specify the base tag (without angle brackets or closing tags) in order to enable that tag's use on the board. For example; to allow a user to use <span color="red">Red Text</span>, you would add span to the list of allowed tags.
Allow BBCode - Here you may enable or disable BBCode for the entire board. If enabled, users may still choose to disable it in their posts.
Allow Smilies - Here you may enable or disable Smilies for the entire board. If enabled, users may still choose to disable it in their posts.
Smilies Storage Path - To use smilies, you must specify their location in relation to the phpBB 2.0.0 root directory. So if your Forum Index page is at http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/index.php and your smilies are located in the folder http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/images/smiles, then your Smilie Storage Path should be images/smilies.
Allow Signatures - Here you may choose to allow users to include a signature on each of their posts. If this setting is enabled, users may still choose whether or not to include a signature on each of their posts.
Maximum signature length - You may specify the max length of a user's signature, in characters. The default value is 255 characters.
Allow Username changes - If this setting is enabled, users may change their usernames when they like.
[初稿]phpBB2 使用者手冊 3.2 (0%) Avatar Settings
Enable gallery avatars - Here you may enable or disable the use of gallery avatars on the board. For more information, see 4.7.3 Avatars.
Enable remote avatars - Here you may enable or disable the use of gallery avatars on the board. For more information, see 4.7.3 Avatars.
Enable avatar uploading - Here you may enable or disable the use of gallery avatars on the board. For more information, see 4.7.3 Avatars.
Maximum Avatar File Size - You may specify the maximum size of uploaded avatars on your board. The size specified is measured in Bytes, and the default is 6144 (6 kB)
Maximum Avatar Dimensions - You may specify the maximum dimesions for uploaded avatar images on your board. The size specified is in pixels, and the default is 80 x 80.
Avatar Storage Path - This is the directory (relative to the phpBB 2.0.0 root directory) that uploaded avatars are stored to. Suppose that your Forum Index page is located at http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/index.php, and you want avatars to be uploaded to http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/images/avatars/, then your Avatar Storage Path should be images/avatars.
Avatar Gallery Path - This is the directory (relative to the phpBB 2.0.0 root directory) that your avatar gallery is located. Suppose that your Forum Index page is located at http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/index.php, and your avatar gallery is located at http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/images/avatars/gallery/, then your Avatar Gallery Path should be images/avatars/gallery.
Within this folder, you should have subfolders, each of which represents a gallery category. Your gallery avatars should each be located in the proper folder, so that they appear in the proper gallery. Suppose you wanted the avatars limburger.gif, colby.gif, chedder.gif in category Cheese Types. Suppose you also want avatars wheel.gif, cube.gif, log.gif in category Cheese Shapes. Within your avatar gallery path you should have subfolders Cheese Types and Cheese Shapes, with the appropriate avatar image files within each subfolder. COPPA settings
In order for children under the age of 13 to use the board, their parents must mail or Fax their consent to the board administrator.
COPPA Fax Number - The number of the fax machine that a parent may fax their consent paperwork to.
COPPA Mailing Address - The address that parents may send their COPPA consent paperwork to. Email Settings
Admin Email Address - The email address that any emails from the board will come from. These include registration emails, forgotten password emails, topic notification emails, private message notification emails, and mass board emails.
Email Signature - The email signature will appear at the bottom of every email sent by the board.
Use SMTP Server for email - Enabled this setting if you wish to use an SMTP server for outgoing email.
SMTP Server Address - Enter the hostname or IP of your SMTP server. This setting is only needed if SMTP email is enabled.
SMTP Username - If your SMTP server requires authentication, enter the username here.
SMTP Password - If your SMTP server requires authentication, enter the password here.
3.2.3 Mass Email
In the mass email panel, you may send an email to every user on your board. You may also use this forum to send email to every member of a usergroup.
Recipients - You may select All Users, or any of the Usergroups on your board to receive the email.
Enter the email subject and body into the form, and click Email to send the mass email.
3.2.4 Smilies Admin
In the smilie administration panel you may edit or delete existing smilies, and add new ones.
To delete a smilie, click Delete in the smilie's row.
To edit a smilie, click Edit in the smilies's row. You will be taken to Smilie Configuration. Change the settings you like and click Submit.
To create a new smiley, click Add a new Smilie (in the lower left corner). You will be taken to Smilie Configuration. Input the settings you like and click Submit.
Smilie Code - The series of characters used to insert a smilie into a post. Examples of this are
(happy face ) or
(winking face ).
Smilie Image File - Select the smilie image you wish to use from the dropdown list. The selected smilie will be displayed on the right, so you can be sure you selected the correct one.
Smilie Emotion - Enter the emotion to be associated with the smilie. This emotion text will be display in a smilie's tool tip, which appears when you hove the mouse cursor over the smilie. Importing Smile Packs
You may import packs of smilies into your board. The pack should come in a .zip file. First extract the contents of the .zip file to the Smilies Storage Path (for more information, see User and Forum Basic Settings). Next, go to smilie administration and click Import Smilie Pack at the bottom of the page. You will be taken to the Smilie Pack Import panel. Change the settings as you wish, and click Submit to import the smilies.
Choose a Smilie Pack .pak file - select the .pak file you want to import from the dropdown box.
Delete existing smilies before import - If selected, all of the smilies on your board will be removed. The new smilies will then be added to your board.
Replace Existing Smilie - When this is selected, if any of the new smilies have smilie codes that are the same as any of your existing smilies; the existing smilie will be removed, with the new smilie taking its place.
\nKeep Existing Smilie - When this is selected, if any of the new smilies have smilie codes that are the same as any of your existing smilies; the new smilie will not be imported, the existing smilie will remain in place. Creating Smile Packs
To make a smilie pack, first make the .pak file. To do this, click Create Smilie Pack at the bottom of the Smilie Administration Panel. Click the Here link to download the .pak file and save it.
After creating the .pak file, create a .zip or .tar.gz archive that contains both the .pak file and the smilie images. You may now distribute this smilie pack to others.
3.2.5 Word Censors
You may have the board automatically censor words for you. To do this, go to the Word Censor panel.
To delete an existing word censor, click Delete in the censor's row.
To edit a word censor, click Edit in the appropriate row.
To create a new censor, click Add New Word.
Each word censor has two parts. The first part is the text to be censored. You may use the asterisk (*) wildcard to broaden your search. The asterisk (*) will match any number of characters. There is also a replacement string for each censor. Each spot where a censor is found will be replaced by the appropriate replacement string.
Enable gallery avatars - Here you may enable or disable the use of gallery avatars on the board. For more information, see 4.7.3 Avatars.
Enable remote avatars - Here you may enable or disable the use of gallery avatars on the board. For more information, see 4.7.3 Avatars.
Enable avatar uploading - Here you may enable or disable the use of gallery avatars on the board. For more information, see 4.7.3 Avatars.
Maximum Avatar File Size - You may specify the maximum size of uploaded avatars on your board. The size specified is measured in Bytes, and the default is 6144 (6 kB)
Maximum Avatar Dimensions - You may specify the maximum dimesions for uploaded avatar images on your board. The size specified is in pixels, and the default is 80 x 80.
Avatar Storage Path - This is the directory (relative to the phpBB 2.0.0 root directory) that uploaded avatars are stored to. Suppose that your Forum Index page is located at http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/index.php, and you want avatars to be uploaded to http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/images/avatars/, then your Avatar Storage Path should be images/avatars.
Avatar Gallery Path - This is the directory (relative to the phpBB 2.0.0 root directory) that your avatar gallery is located. Suppose that your Forum Index page is located at http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/index.php, and your avatar gallery is located at http://www.cheese.com/phpBB2/images/avatars/gallery/, then your Avatar Gallery Path should be images/avatars/gallery.
Within this folder, you should have subfolders, each of which represents a gallery category. Your gallery avatars should each be located in the proper folder, so that they appear in the proper gallery. Suppose you wanted the avatars limburger.gif, colby.gif, chedder.gif in category Cheese Types. Suppose you also want avatars wheel.gif, cube.gif, log.gif in category Cheese Shapes. Within your avatar gallery path you should have subfolders Cheese Types and Cheese Shapes, with the appropriate avatar image files within each subfolder. COPPA settings
In order for children under the age of 13 to use the board, their parents must mail or Fax their consent to the board administrator.
COPPA Fax Number - The number of the fax machine that a parent may fax their consent paperwork to.
COPPA Mailing Address - The address that parents may send their COPPA consent paperwork to. Email Settings
Admin Email Address - The email address that any emails from the board will come from. These include registration emails, forgotten password emails, topic notification emails, private message notification emails, and mass board emails.
Email Signature - The email signature will appear at the bottom of every email sent by the board.
Use SMTP Server for email - Enabled this setting if you wish to use an SMTP server for outgoing email.
SMTP Server Address - Enter the hostname or IP of your SMTP server. This setting is only needed if SMTP email is enabled.
SMTP Username - If your SMTP server requires authentication, enter the username here.
SMTP Password - If your SMTP server requires authentication, enter the password here.
3.2.3 Mass Email
In the mass email panel, you may send an email to every user on your board. You may also use this forum to send email to every member of a usergroup.
Recipients - You may select All Users, or any of the Usergroups on your board to receive the email.
Enter the email subject and body into the form, and click Email to send the mass email.
3.2.4 Smilies Admin
In the smilie administration panel you may edit or delete existing smilies, and add new ones.
To delete a smilie, click Delete in the smilie's row.
To edit a smilie, click Edit in the smilies's row. You will be taken to Smilie Configuration. Change the settings you like and click Submit.
To create a new smiley, click Add a new Smilie (in the lower left corner). You will be taken to Smilie Configuration. Input the settings you like and click Submit.
Smilie Code - The series of characters used to insert a smilie into a post. Examples of this are


Smilie Image File - Select the smilie image you wish to use from the dropdown list. The selected smilie will be displayed on the right, so you can be sure you selected the correct one.
Smilie Emotion - Enter the emotion to be associated with the smilie. This emotion text will be display in a smilie's tool tip, which appears when you hove the mouse cursor over the smilie. Importing Smile Packs
You may import packs of smilies into your board. The pack should come in a .zip file. First extract the contents of the .zip file to the Smilies Storage Path (for more information, see User and Forum Basic Settings). Next, go to smilie administration and click Import Smilie Pack at the bottom of the page. You will be taken to the Smilie Pack Import panel. Change the settings as you wish, and click Submit to import the smilies.
Choose a Smilie Pack .pak file - select the .pak file you want to import from the dropdown box.
Delete existing smilies before import - If selected, all of the smilies on your board will be removed. The new smilies will then be added to your board.
Replace Existing Smilie - When this is selected, if any of the new smilies have smilie codes that are the same as any of your existing smilies; the existing smilie will be removed, with the new smilie taking its place.
\nKeep Existing Smilie - When this is selected, if any of the new smilies have smilie codes that are the same as any of your existing smilies; the new smilie will not be imported, the existing smilie will remain in place. Creating Smile Packs
To make a smilie pack, first make the .pak file. To do this, click Create Smilie Pack at the bottom of the Smilie Administration Panel. Click the Here link to download the .pak file and save it.
After creating the .pak file, create a .zip or .tar.gz archive that contains both the .pak file and the smilie images. You may now distribute this smilie pack to others.
3.2.5 Word Censors
You may have the board automatically censor words for you. To do this, go to the Word Censor panel.
To delete an existing word censor, click Delete in the censor's row.
To edit a word censor, click Edit in the appropriate row.
To create a new censor, click Add New Word.
Each word censor has two parts. The first part is the text to be censored. You may use the asterisk (*) wildcard to broaden your search. The asterisk (*) will match any number of characters. There is also a replacement string for each censor. Each spot where a censor is found will be replaced by the appropriate replacement string.