主頁: http://rapiddr3am.slackslash.net/index.php
作品: http://rapiddr3am.slackslash.net/scripts.php
如果有人願意從外掛開始翻譯起,請從這位作者的的外掛開始Rapid Dr3am 寫:Thank you for the request,MacGyver 寫:Hi Antony,
This is (ycl6, Mac) from phpBB.com.
I am writing on behalf of the Chinese phpBB Support Center to ask for your permission to have your Mods available for download from our site, together with translated How-Tos.
phpBB-TW has been supporting phpBB in the Chinese community since pre-phpBB1.x. If this is not possible, I hope we can arrange another way to this issue.
I am rather flattered.
You may translate the hacks, as they are you may add a tranlation note, but all copyright notices must remain, also please obtain the files hosted on my site, as they contain the newly release .hl template for the Nivisec, hacks list.
Once translated, the support is down to them, as I don't speak the language.
Rapid Dr3am.
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