1 頁 (共 1 頁)

[推薦外掛] Admin Userlist (會員列表管理) (Update 2.0.6c)

發表於 : 2005-02-07 18:37

不久前, 曾經試著安裝此一外掛,
但是, 後來因為在後台會員列表的排序, 似乎不大正常, 因此作罷!

如今, 再次嘗試安裝, 也到原作者的網站去尋求解答,
終於解決了排序的問題, 特別貼出提供大家參考;

另外, 也針對" 中文化" 部份, 做些補強;

最後, 提供一個" 小撇步" ,
將可以讓後台的會員列表資料呈現, 更加完善! :-D

A. [修正]後台的會員列表無法正常排序

資料來源: http://mods.best-dev.com/viewtopic.php?p=15849#15849

代碼: 選擇全部

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
      $order_by = "ORDER BY $sort $order "; 

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ 
      $order_by = "ORDER BY $sort $sort_order ";

B. [補強]中文化

資料來源: http://phpbb-tw.net/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=181989#181989
#-----[ OPEN 開啟]--------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND 尋找]------------------------------------------
# 此行完整敘述:
# $lang['Install_No_PCRE'] = 'phpBB2 需要使用到 Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions Module, 而您的 PHP 設定並不支援這項功能';
$lang['Install_No_PCRE'] =

#-----[ AFTER, ADD 在後面加上]------------------------------------------
// Admin Userlist Start
$lang['Userlist'] = '會員列表';
$lang['Userlist_description'] = '檢視完整會員清單及設定';

$lang['Add_group'] = '加入某群組';
$lang['Add_group_explain'] = '選擇要加入的群組';

$lang['Open_close'] = '展開/摺疊';
$lang['Active'] = '帳號已啟用';
$lang['Group'] = '隸屬群組';
$lang['Rank'] = '等級';
$lang['Last_activity'] = '最後登入時間';
$lang['Never'] = '不曾登入';
$lang['User_manage'] = '管理設定';
$lang['Find_all_posts'] = '檢視所有文章';

$lang['Select_one'] = '選擇設定(針對打勾的會員)';
$lang['Ban'] = '封鎖帳號';
$lang['Activate_deactivate'] = '啟用帳號/停用帳號';

$lang['User_id'] = 'User id';
$lang['User_level'] = '會員等級';
$lang['Ascending'] = '升冪排列';
$lang['Descending'] = '降冪排列';
$lang['Show'] = '一次顯示幾筆資料';
$lang['All'] = '顯示全部資料';

$lang['Member'] = '會員';
$lang['Pending'] = '尚未核定';

$lang['Confirm_user_ban'] = '您確定要封鎖該會員嗎?';
$lang['Confirm_user_deleted'] = '您確定要刪除該會員嗎?';

$lang['User_status_updated'] = '更改會員設定成功!';
$lang['User_banned_successfully'] = '封鎖會員成功!';
$lang['User_deleted_successfully'] = '刪除會員成功!';
$lang['User_add_group_successfully'] = '加入群組成功!';

$lang['Click_return_userlist'] = '點選 %s這裡%s 回到會員列表';
// Admin Userlist End
在此" 會員" 是指, 加入某一個群組的會員( 成員);
" 尚未核定" 是指, 該會員申請加入某一個群組, 但是該群組的組長尚未核定.

C. [分享]小撇步

目的: 讓後台的會員列表資料呈現, 更加完善!

代碼: 選擇全部

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
<tr id="user{user_row.USER_ID}" style="display: none">

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ 
<tr id="user{user_row.USER_ID}">

D. 外掛下載:

E. 後台_會員列表_擷取圖案:

[修正] 版管、群管不分

發表於 : 2005-09-27 21:36
  • 原文作者: BlackJK
  • 資料來源: http://phpbb-tw.net/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=211335#211335
  • 修正方法:
    #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------------

    代碼: 選擇全部

    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------

    代碼: 選擇全部

    $lang['Moderators'] = '版面管理員';
    #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

    代碼: 選擇全部

    // 群組管理員 
    $lang['GroupModerator'] = '群組組長'; 
    #-----[ SAVE & CLOSE ]----------------------------------------

    #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------------

    代碼: 選擇全部

    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------

    代碼: 選擇全部

    $group_status = $lang['Moderator']; 
    #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]----------------------------------------

    代碼: 選擇全部

    $group_status = $lang['GroupModerator']; 
    #-----[ SAVE & CLOSE ]----------------------------------------

[建議] 升級 2.0.6c

發表於 : 2007-03-10 11:35

代碼: 選擇全部

## MOD Title: Admin Userlist
## MOD Author: Milkboy31 < N/A > (Brent Pirolli) N/A
## MOD Author: wGEric < N/A > (Eric Faerber) http://mods.best-dev.com
## MOD Description: This MOD lets you view all of you members and various information about 
##			them in the Admin Control Panel.  From the list, you can perform 
##			various actions on multiple users.
## MOD Version: 2.0.6c
## Installation Level: Easy 
## Installation Time: 10 Minutes 
## Files To Edit: language/lang_english/lang_admin.php
##			templates/subSilver/subSilver.cfg
## Included Files: admin/admin_userlist.php
##		   templates/subSilver/admin/userlist_body.tpl
##		   templates/subSilver/admin/userlist_group.tpl
##		   templates/subSilver/images/arrowright.png
##		   templates/subSilver/images/arrowdown.png
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2 
## For security purposes, please check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked 
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee 
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support 
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which 
## can be found at http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes: 
##	Deleting users cannot be undone!
##	If you have an error when deleting a user that references a line from 295-325 of admin_userlist.php,
##	please run the script found here for the solution:
##	http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=49996
##	The problem is not caused by this mod, but can be exposed when using this mod.
##	A special thanks to all those who helped test this MOD and to those who have helped improve it.
##		GPHemsley
##		R45
##		Asinshesq
##		BlueRook
##		Uncle.F
##		Rreptile
##		Freitag
##		eviL<3
##		Porutchik
##	If you wish to use Nivisec's Color Groups mod with this mod, you can install the
##	patch provided:  contrib/colorgroups_userlist_101.txt
## MOD History: 
##   2006-12-13 - version 2.0.6c
##	- Re-wrote the sort feature to close SQL injection vulnerability
##	- Cleaned up code formatting a bit (nothing major)
##   2006-11-01 - version 2.0.6b
##	- Modified delete group ID script to not fail when user doesn't have individual usergroup
##	- Moved arrow image code to be in the template config file instead of hard coded
##	- Made a few cosmetic changes to code (version number now included)
##   2006-06-16 - version 2.0.6
##    - Added an inversing select all button
##    - Added an inversing open-all button
##    - Removed Open/Close text and replaced with small graphic
##    - Updated mod to be compatible with versions beyond 2.0.17 when deleting or banning users
##    - Security update on input tags
##    - Added "Unban" feature
##    - Fixed a couple of typos
##    - Improved error handling with failed loops
##   2006-01-18 - version 2.0.5c
##	- Cleaned up some code to be more uniform
##	- Fixed the sql error readout bug
##	- Added Email, Post, and Website columns
##	- Added ability to sort by Website
##	- Added "upgrades" folder to hold optional files
##   2005-10-20 - version 2.0.5b
##	- Removed some hard coded language to be officially PHPBB MOD Compatible
##   2005-10-12 - version 2.0.5
##	- Updated template disclaimer/license to be officially PHPBB MOD Compatible
##   2005-10-10 - version 2.0.4
##	- Added support for Nivisec's Color Groups mod (see colorgroups_userlist.mod)
##	- Fixed admin/mod color scheme from 2.0.3 release
##   2005-10-06 - version 2.0.3 (wGEric, the original author, passed the MOD to Milkboy31)
##	- Fixed sort function
## 	- Selected sorting option remains highlighted on results page
##	- Prevent setting 0 users from causing error
##	- Deleting group mods fixed
##	- Sorts by newest registration first (by ASC instead of DESC by default)
##	- Names link back to "manage user" instead of "profile" now
##	- Userlist length is set to topics_per_page instead of posts_per_page
##	- Added Select / De-select all buttons
##	- Corrected placement of </Form> code
##	- Added "time" to last activity column
##	- Deleting a member keeps their ID on posts instead of using Anonymous
##	- Spelling correction of "Delete" in userlist delete confirmation
##   2004-07-13 - Versoin 2.0.2
##	- Fixed bugs with adding users to groups
##	- fixed other bugs as well
##   2004-05-24 - Version 2.0.1
##	- Fixed security issues
##	- Made compatible with php 3
##	- Fixed minor bugs
##   2004-05-18 - Version 2.0.0 
##    - complete rewrite of code
##	- added ability to add multiple users to a group
##	- changed look, Open/Close Feature
##	- Fixed all known bugs
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 
2.0.2 升級 2.0.6c 經驗分享:
1. 參考安裝說明 upgrades/upgrade_userlist_202_to_206c.txt 有詳盡的步驟
2. 升級中文化參考:

代碼: 選擇全部

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
$lang['Ban'] = '封鎖帳號';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
$lang['Is_Banned'] = '已封鎖!'; 
$lang['UnBan'] = '解除封鎖';

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
$lang['Activate_deactivate'] = '啟用帳號/停用帳號';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
$lang['Select_All'] = '選擇全部';
$lang['Deselect_All'] = '取消全選';

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
$lang['Confirm_user_ban'] = '您確定要封鎖該會員嗎?';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
$lang['Confirm_user_un_ban'] = '您確定要解除封鎖該會員嗎?';

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
$lang['User_banned_successfully'] = '封鎖會員成功!';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
$lang['User_un_banned_successfully'] = '解除封鎖會員成功!';

#-----[ SAVE & CLOSE ]------------------------------------------ 




發表於 : 2007-03-19 09:27

發表於 : 2007-06-03 18:46

代碼: 選擇全部

// Admin Userlist Start
$lang['Userlist'] = '會員列表'; 
$lang['Userlist_description'] = '檢視完整會員清單及設定'; 

$lang['Add_group'] = '加入某群組'; 
$lang['Add_group_explain'] = '選擇要加入的群組'; 

$lang['Open_close'] = '展開/摺疊'; 
$lang['Active'] = '帳號已啟用'; 
$lang['Group'] = '隸屬群組'; 
$lang['Rank'] = '等級'; 
$lang['Last_activity'] = '最後登入時間'; 
$lang['Never'] = '不曾登入'; 
$lang['User_manage'] = '管理設定'; 
$lang['Find_all_posts'] = '檢視所有文章'; 

$lang['Select_one'] = '選擇設定(針對打勾的會員)'; 
$lang['Ban'] = '封鎖帳號'; 
$lang['Is_Banned'] = '已封鎖!'; 
$lang['UnBan'] = '解除封鎖';
$lang['Activate_deactivate'] = '啟用帳號/停用帳號'; 
$lang['Select_All'] = '選擇全部'; 
$lang['Deselect_All'] = '取消全選';

$lang['User_id'] = 'User id'; 
$lang['User_level'] = '會員等級'; 
$lang['Ascending'] = '升冪排列'; 
$lang['Descending'] = '降冪排列'; 
$lang['Show'] = '一次顯示幾筆資料'; 
$lang['All'] = '顯示全部資料'; 

$lang['Member'] = '會員'; 
$lang['Pending'] = '尚未核定'; 

$lang['Confirm_user_ban'] = '您確定要封鎖該會員嗎?'; 
$lang['Confirm_user_un_ban'] = '您確定要解除封鎖該會員嗎?'; 
$lang['Confirm_user_deleted'] = '您確定要刪除該會員嗎?';

$lang['User_status_updated'] = '更改會員設定成功!'; 
$lang['User_banned_successfully'] = '封鎖會員成功!'; 
$lang['User_un_banned_successfully'] = '解除封鎖會員成功!'; 
$lang['User_deleted_successfully'] = '刪除會員成功!'; 
$lang['User_add_group_successfully'] = '加入群組成功!'; 

$lang['Click_return_userlist'] = '點選 %s這裡%s 回到會員列表';
// Admin Userlist End